This Input/Output Converter Interface Box is used to convert the proprietary standard called CSP to the widely adopted Dante standard. Distributed audio signals over UTP cabling are becoming increasingly widespread in large building installations and multi-function venues. This suite of products, used together provide a connected solution for local zone inputs, feeding signals back to centrally located zone amplifiers. The suited accessory for the input/output converter interface box is a range of Wallplates which can also be used in a stand-alone point to point basis, allowing balanced and unbalanced signals to be sent over long distances (up to 600m depending on cable used and configuration of plates). To simplify installation power is only required at one end of the cable run and most plates can be daisychained to additional plates.
Dante Input/Output Converter Interface Box
SKU: A4830
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- Two Mic/Line Terminal Block Inputs on Rear Panel Converts Mic or Line Audio Signals to 2 Channels Dante Network Switchable Mic/Line/48V Phantom Power for Each Input Terminal Block for Two Audio Outputs on Rear Panel Two Audio Signal Outputs from Dante Network Converts 2 Channels Dante Signals to Two Line Terminal Block Outputs Balanced or Unbalanced Signals for Inputs and Outputs Adjustable Gain Control for Output Level on Rear Panel LED indicators for Signal Level and Clip of Each Input Channel on Front Panel Adjustable Gain from -20 dB to +20dB for Each Input Channel on Front Panel LED indicators for Signal Level of Each Output Channel on Front Panel Power over Ethernet (PoE) OR 24VDC power supply (NOT INCLUDED) LED Indicators Show the Status of Power and Network High Resolution 24 Bit for DAC and ADC Provides High Quality of Preamplifier for Microphones Dimension: 143mm x 45mm x 93mm (WHD)